Monday, March 15, 2010

Gosei Blue is Batman

It's been pretty inactive here... (Apparently, the badly edited MMPR reruns are not good for this blog. Not that there's been much of a difference...)

This week's Goseiger deserved a mention, though:

Gosei Blue is really, really... Well, I'm going to use a euphemism that my sister and I use, and say he's Batman.

Look it up on YouTube (or whatever it is you particularly do if you choose to watch Sentai), because this was some pretty good stuff.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

First Impressions: MMPR 2010


What the heck was that?

Not to rag on whoever put this together or anything, but what's up with all the manga-style narration boxes (the "this is the name of this character" ones), the Adam West Batman sound effects, and the... I don't even know what to call those moments where they paused for a second and threw in weird imagery.

(I really don't mean to rag on it; I try to avoid the kneejerk reaction that often comes in response to tiny changes; it's just that this really bugs me. Although I have to admit, I expected they might pull something like it.)

My sister raised an eyebrow and wondered why they apparently thought Shinkenger was too Japanese if they were going to do what they've done, which itself is very Japanese.

Not to complain too much. I don't think I ever saw the second episode more than once, and even with the changes, it was nice to get a more concrete look at it. (I totally forgot about the weird sequence with the space shuttle "time trap" zinging around town.)

Also, I had a kind of funny set of moments; Kimberly says, "NOT!" towards the end of the first episode, which made me mumble something about it being "so '90s." Then, in the second episode, she says of the communicators "This is so '90s!"

An oddly prophetic moment, really.